Process-Oriented Psychology

Process-Oriented Psychology is a multicultural, multi-level practice for individuals and organisations in all states of consciousness. It stems from the work of C.G. Jung and it’s deeply rooted in Taoism and modern physics. Processwork combines depth psychology and the theory of the collective unconscious with rational, relativistic  ideas and a cultural perspective on the psyche and the world.

Processwork is a method of work with subjective experiences and a practice of following what is already there, while supporting what is trying to happen. More than a set of techniques, it is an attitude towards human beings and nature. It assumes that what happens to us may be significant and encourages to look for its meaning. Despite the suffering they may cause, our everyday concerns, relationship difficulties, dreams, bad moods, physical symptoms, fears or depressions, also have a different aspect. They carry an important information about ourselves, about our hidden potential and possible paths of development.

Jung taught us we are always dreaming, not just when we sleep. Processwork takes this step further by seeing symptoms, relationship difficulties, even world conflicts – all of our experiences – as manifestations of a dreaming process that patterns our lives. This dreaming process has something to teach us about our wholeness, bringing to our attention all that is disturbing, rejected or unwanted. We can choose to become aware of this process and learn from it, or we can ignore and fight against it. Following the dreaming process makes life richer, fuller and more meaningful.

Process-oriented psychology is the art, science and psychology of following nature. It is a methodology developed by Arnold Mindell, which helps people, relationships and organizations to discover themselves. Process Work is focused on a multidimensional consciousness, which recognizes the world of dreams and is valued by mystics and indigenous peoples. It is a detailed system, based on signals that allow us to track, map and unveil the flow of the momentary experience. Walking the path of a process that is unveiling, allows you to venture beyond the limits of preconceived notions, family experiences and ordinary identity; and still, find your way home.